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Üleilmsete kirjanduslinnade lugemissoovitused


19. juuli 2017 / Igal suvel panevad UNESCO kirjanduslinnad kokku ühise lugemissoovituste nimekirja, tänavu soovitas oma linnaga seotud kirjanike teoseid kokku 16 kirjanduslinna.

Lisatud on ka märkused selle kohta, milliseid neist teostest või samade autorite teistest raamatutest on võimalik lugeda eesti keeles.

Barcelona: “The gray notebook”, Josep Pla
A classic diary that scrutines the lively Barcelona of the 1920s.

Dublin: “Lying in Wait”, Liz Nugent
My husband did not mean to kill Annie Doyle, but the lying tramp deserved it.

Dunedin: “Snark”, David Elliot after Lewis Carroll
A dark, tumultuous romp for grown-up children of all ages.

Edinburgh: “The Glasshouse”, Charlie Stross’
The profoundly strange tale of a 21st-century family living through a singularity moment.

Samalt autorilt on eesti keeles ilmunud: "Accelerando" (2009), "Külmem sõda" (2013), "Palimpsest" (2011), "Peidus perekond" (2013), "Pereäri" (2013), "Tulundusühistu klann" (2013), "Vürstkaupmehed" (2013)

Granada: “Usurpers”, Francisco Ayala
Usurpers contains seven stories with ambition, violence and surrender.

Heidelberg: “Before the Feast”, Saša Stanišić.
Stanišić knits a dozen characters into a multi-stranded tissue of gossip, myth and memory.

Iowa City: “A Doubter's Almanac”, Ethan Canin
A fascinating character study that makes difficult math seem scintillating.

Krakow: “Heart of Darkness”, Joseph Conrad
One of the greatest and most debated texts of Western literature.

Eesti keeles: "Pimeduse süda" (1963 ja 2002)

Ljubljana: “Choice”, Renata Salecl
The idea of choice has deeply penetrated our perception of feelings, as though we can ‘choose’ whether or not to have them.

Melbourne: “The Paper House”, Anna Spargo- Ryan
A moving and viscerally real portrait of family bonds pushed to their limits.

Norwich: “Everyone Is Watching”, Megan Bradbury
A love letter to New York, to art, to writing and to our shared humanity.

Nottingham: “928 Miles From Home”, Kim Slater
A powerful story of two boys from two different worlds thrown together.

Praha: “Aberrant”, Marek Šindelka
Mixes together a variety of genres to create a heady concoction of crime, horror & ecological revenge fantasy.

Reykjavik: “Moonstone – the boy who never was*”, Sjón
A mind-bending story about a young man on the fringes of society in Reykjavik at the dawn of the 20th century.

Samalt autorilt eesti keeles: "Virvarebane" (2013)

Tartu: “The Willow King”, Meelis Friedenthal
A dreamlike story taking the reader into the 17th century Tartu.

Eesti keeles: "Mesilased" (2012)

Uljanovsk: “A Common Story”, Peter Ivanovich Aduev
Can you deceive a woman with passsion if there is none.

Lisainfo: tartu.kirjandus.ee/est/news/kirjanduslinnade-suvised-lugemissoovitused

Pühkige aga laud vihmast puhtaks ja põnevaid leide!

Tartu võeti kirjanduslinnana UNESCO loovlinnade võrgustikku vastu 2015. a detsembris.

Viimati muudetud 19.07.2017