General information about the service
Access to data in the population register is granted to institutions and physical as well as juridical persons in case of legitimate interest and for executing public tasks by submitting an application in the information system of processing access to population register data.
Access to data in the population register is granted to physical and juridical persons in case of legitimate interest for the same purpose about up to 20 persons per month per applicant.
If the request is made about more than 20 persons, access to data is enabled by the IT and Development Center at the Estonian Ministry of the Interior (phone 612 4444 or via email: [email protected]).
Data is refused to be issued in case the legitimate interest of the applicant is not justified enough, or the issuing of data can cause harm to the person’s interest whose data is being requested to access. In such situations, the applicant can request consent for issuing data from the person whose data is requested to be issued, or the applicant’s information can be forwarded to the person. The requested data is issued to the applicant after consent is given.
Access restrictions
A person has the right to impose access restrictions on their personal data in case the aim is to process data for surveys or advertisement. A person may also set a deadline on the restriction of access to data and specify what kind of data (place of residence or place of stay) they wish to set the access restriction on.
Data with access restriction can only be issued from the population register for executing public tasks, or in other words, in situations where data is needed to execute tasks set by the state, local government or by physical or juridical persons set by law or other legislation.
Data with access restriction based on legitimate interest is not issued to physical and juridical persons.
Submitting an application
The application can be submitted as an e-service in the population register’s access application portal. Reviewing applications is not connected with the place of residence or the location of vital statistics events, but is set by the Estonian Ministry of the Interior.
Additional information: Kaia Rahu, phone 742 0954, email [email protected]
State fee and payment
The state fee for reviewing an application for issuing data from the population register based on legitimate interest per person is 20 euros.
Beneficiary: Rahandusministeerium (Ministry of Finance)
SEB bank EE891010220034796011
Swedbank EE932200221023778606
Luminor Bank EE701700017001577198
Reference number 2900082511
Explanation: rahvastikuregistri andmete päring (data request from the population register).
The state fee must be paid before submitting your application.
Useful references
Also see
It is possible to read more about access to and restrictions on the population register data at the website of the Ministry of the Interior.
Population Register Act