General information about cemeteries of Tartu
Website of cemeteries of Tartu and map application
The history of cemeteries of Tartu and groups of cemeteries (Raadi, Puiestee, Rahumäe, Pauluse, Vanausuliste and Tuigo cemeteries) is introduced briefly on the website of cemeteries of Tartu. It is also possible to view the location of cemeteries and historical parts of the cemeteries on the map. People buried in the cemeteries can be searched by name and number of the gravesite. Information about buildings in the cemeteries and their inventory can be found from the application. Instructions are available to help guide the search.
Electronic forms
For using electronic forms, authentication with ID-card, Mobile-ID or through internet bank is necessary.
Extension or resignation of burial site certificate
Specification of burial site information
Raadi cemeteries “Walker’s guide”
A pocket map of gravesites located in Tartu Raadi cemeteries of people who were important in the sense of national and cultural history was completed in the spring of 2019. There are 92 gravesites, cemetery chapels together with cemetery names as well as roads and gates marked on the map. The guide is foremost a tool for moving around Raadi cemeteries and discovering graves important in the sense of cultural history – this is why the map can only be asked for from the main building of the Raadi cemetery and the Tartu city information center located on the first floor of Tartu city hall. The guide is in Estonian and free of charge.
Tartu Cemeteries
Kalmistu 22, 50303 Tartu
Phone 736 1525
Email [email protected]
The task of the establishment is the administration and maintenance of cemeteries in Tartu city. The establishment provides funeral services, maintains cemeteries, buries deceased people without loved ones, keeps track of burial sites etc.
There are four cemeteries under the administration of the establishment in Tartu city and one in Tartu county:
- Raadi cemetery: Kalmistu 22, phone 736 1525, [email protected]
Office opening hours: Mon–Fri 9–16 - Pauluse cemetery: Võru 75a, phone 736 1530, [email protected]
Office opening hours: Mon–Fri 9–16 - Puiestee cemeteries: Puiestee 3, phone 746 1025, [email protected]
Office opening hours: Mon–Fri 9–16 - Rahumäe cemetery: Jaama 122, phone 735 1415, [email protected]
Office opening hours: Mon–Fri 9–16 - Tuigo cemetery: Kastre vald, Tartumaa, phone 736 1530, 5307 4753
Office (Võru 75a) opening hours: Mon–Fri 9–16
Additional information regarding cemeteries
Cemeteries Act
Cemeteries Regulation
Prices of cemetery goods and services
Brief guide of actions
Tartu crematorium: Jaama 122, phone 748 7108 (available 24/7), [email protected]
Cemetery holidays 2023
The tartu deanery of the estonian evangelical lutheran church
Tartu Maarja congregation | 17 June at 11 a.m. at Tuigo cemetery 17 June at 2 p.m. at Raadi cemetery |
Tartu Peetri congregation | 18 June at 12 p.m. at Puiestee cemetery (Vana-Peetri) 22 June at 12 p.m. at Raadi cemetery (Ülikooli-Jaani) 17 June at 12 p.m. at Rahumäe cemetery |
Tartu Pauluse congregation | 18 June at 1 p.m. at Pauluse cemetery |
Baptist congregation | 18 June at 4 p.m. at Puiestee, Baptist cemetery |