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Key Sectors

Information and communication technologies
Food Industry
Woodworking Industry
Metal-processing and Machine-building


Tartu is the centre of Estonia’s medical and biotechnological landscape. The main areas of expertise in this emerging sector of the region lie in the fields of biochemistry, genetics and heredity, neuroscience and bioinformatics. There is a well-developed network of private clinics in Tartu. Clinics collaborate closely with the research and development institutions as well as other companies. Specialists for the rapidly growing sector are provided by the University of Tartu, the Estonian University of Life Sciences and Tartu Health Care College.


The City of Tartu has declared biotechnology one of its focus areas in its strategy. However, the significance of biotechnology is not only limited to the municipal level: biotechnology is defined as one of the strategic key sectors of Estonia.


Tartu is the Best Place for a Biotechnology Business:

  • Centre of expertise for life sciences and medicine: more than eight research organisations, 11 universities and colleges0

  • Centre of health care in Estonia: Tartu University Hospital, many private clinics, medical tourism

  • Nordic, educated and disciplined labour force for the biotechnology and healthcare sector

  • Supporting infrastructure: Tartu Biotechnology Park, modern laboratories, technological solutions for development and innovation

Last changed 02.04.2024

Information and communication technologies

Estonia, as a digital nation, is a frontrunner in the world regarding ICT solutions. Tartu, with our talented minds and ambitious entrepreneurs, offers all the benefits of e-Estonia and Smart City Tartu. The rapidly growing ICT ecosystem has attracted the attention of venture capitalists, as well as foreign ICT companies. 

Our ICT and electronics sector is characterized by a few leading companies like Playtech, Mobi Lab, Nortal, Mooncascade, Fortumo and many eager startups. The ICT-favourable environment has allowed huge companies like Skype, Bolt and Pipedrive to open their development centres here. 

The key strengths of this sector include successful spin-off companies, a highly qualified workforce, and a professional and functioning cooperative network between universities, research centres and companies. The ecosystem is also supported by several technological institutions, such as Tartu Science Park, the University of Tartu Technology Institute & Institute of Computer Sciences, and the European Space Agency Business Incubation Centre, Tartu Science park Incubator.


Last changed 02.04.2024

Food Industry

Food production is an essential part of the manufacturing industry in Estonia. Our most important branches are the dairy, beverage, meat and bread industries. Being international, our exports make up about one third of the total production volume. 

A strength of Tartu County is in its combination of well-preserved nature and well-developed agriculture, which offers healthy and ecologically friendly products for many producers. The food industry here is mainly represented by a few leading manufacturing companies like A. Le Coq, Salvest and Tartu Mill, although small-scale producers like Andre Cheese Farm, Pühaste Brewery and the farmers’ market, which brings together and exhibits small producers in the region, are emerging and enriching the local food market.

A wide variety of places, from small, cosy cafes to excellent, award-winning restaurants, can be found all over the city. Our well-known food events, such as “Tasty Tartu” and the “Tartu Food and Wine Festival”, offer just a small glimpse of the rich choice the city has to offer.


Last changed 02.04.2024

Woodworking Industry

Wood processing has historically been a mainstay of the Estonian economy, and its output is based on local and renewable raw materials. Similarly to the technological leap made in other sectors of the economy, the flow of new investment has brought state-of-the-art equipment to all areas of the wood processing industry.

The range of wood industry products is extensive, beginning with the production and treatment of sawn timber, and leading to the production of wooden houses and frames for windows and doors. Creative thinking and innovations are helping to break traditions in the wood industry – Estonian design accessories like bowties, watches and frames for glasses are becoming increasingly popular. 

The sector is led by strong and successful export-oriented companies like Kodumaja and Lemeks Grupp. The closeness of the wood industry to research & development and centres of competence, and its proximity to raw materials and innovative solutions will continue to drive this industry in the future.

Last changed 02.04.2024

Metal-processing and Machine-building

Expertise, international connections, and strong traditions characterize the metalworking and machine-building industry in the Tartu region. The sector varies from historically strong construction of agricultural and forestry machines and apparatus to new areas of production, such as car parts and trailers.

What makes the metal industry so successful in the Tartu region are our long traditions and the digitalisation of this sector. Customers today want products that are safely produced, environmentally neutral, and manufactured using far less energy and material throughout the value chain. They also want their products faster and cheaper than ever before. Smart manufacturing and compatible curriculums in universities and vocational schools are the key elements in staying ahead of competitors. 

The sector is led by strong and successful export-oriented companies. The proximity to support services, the closeness of research and development, and compatible curriculums in universities and vocational schools enable easy access to highly educated engineers, semi-industrial labs and equipment.

Last changed 02.04.2024