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Downtown cultural centre Architecture Competition

Tartu downtown cultural centre Architecture Competition

Competition and news

Tartu city government in cooperation with the Estonian Association of Architects will organize the international architecture competition for the Tartu downtown cultural centre. Architects from all over the world are invited to design one of the most important future cultural spaces in the second biggest city of Estonia, in the very heart of university town Tartu.

The purpose of the competition is to find the best architectural design for the building and outdoor space of the cultural centre, which suits the given location and milieu the most and creates a whole with the urban space along the river Emajõgi.

Participants are invited to design a building for city library, art museum, event centre with multifunctional black-box and other activities supporting the cultural centre with a biologically diverse and active park and human scale public space.


Photo by Evelin Lumi
Photo by Evelin Lumi
Opening seminar of the architecture competition. Photo by Mana Kaasik
Opening seminar of the architecture competition. Photo by Mana Kaasik


Last changed 12.11.2023