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Draft detailed spatial plan for the Downtown Cultural Centre to be placed on public display

Tartu City Government Press Release

Vanemuise 1 krunt ja lähiala Photo: Tiit Grihin

/ The public display of the draft detailed spatial plan for the Vanemuise 1 plot and the adjacent area and the draft strategic environmental assessment report will take place from 21 March to 22 April.

During the public display period, the draft detailed spatial plan for the Vanemuise 1 plot and the adjacent area, and the proposed strategic environmental assessment report, will be available for examination on the Tartu homepage and at the Town Hall Information Centre, and all interested parties will be able to express their opinions and make suggestions. At 17:00 on 23 May, a public discussion will be held in the Tartu City Library, where the city government will present the opinions expressed during the public display and its own views, and justify the solutions selected during the creation of the plan.

The aim of the creation of the detailed spatial plan is to determine the building rights for the construction of the Tartu Downtown Cultural Centre and to transform the entire planning area into a high-quality and people-friendly public space.

The planned area is bordered by Poe, Küüni and Uueturu streets, and the Emajõgi River, and the preliminary design is based on the City of Tartu Comprehensive Plan, the special conditions of heritage conservation, and the winning entry in the international architectural competition ‘Paabel’ (by 3+1 architects and Kino Landscape Architects).

The draft spatial plan shows the buildable area where the Downtown Cultural Centre will be built. The designing of the building, which will reveal its exact size and shape, is underway in parallel with the preparation of the detailed spatial plan.

The building rights are based on the objective of the comprehensive plan to preserve at least half of the park as a green area and create an integral public space for the area.

The green area will be transformed into a multi-storey community. A partial green roof is planned for the Cultural Centre. In the park area, those trees located outside of the construction site of the Downtown Cultural Centre will be preserved. Removal or replacement of trees located within the construction area of the Cultural Centre, or which are in poor condition, is permitted. The trees to be removed will be specified during the design phase, including a solution for planting replacement high greenery in other public areas.

The construction of catering and service buildings is allowed in the area along the Emajõgi River, with the preservation of existing cafés being taken into account. The possibility of planning various outdoor activities next to the Market Hall has been given, including the installation of temporary outdoor kiosks and sales counters. Parking will be preserved around the Market Hall, but the number and location of parking spaces may change in the future, as the detailed spatial plan provides the opportunity to create convenient and safe direct pedestrian access to the Emajõgi River in the form of the extension of Uueturu Street.
Within the scope of the planning area, Vabaduse Avenue is planned as a street with sidewalks, bike lanes, and a two-way calmed-traffic roadway (one lane in each direction).

Bicycle parking areas are planned as close as possible to the entrances to the Cultural Centre. Car parking is planned on the underground floor of the building, with planned access from Uueturu Street.

The draft Strategic Environmental Assessment Report indicates that the broader impact of the spatial plan on the urban space will be positive. The Cultural Centre, as a new functional and architectural destination, will strengthen the functioning of the City of Tartu, improve the quality of the green area and the landscape, while also improving recreational areas meant for children.

Draft detailed spatial plan: https://info.raad.tartu.ee/dhs.nsf/web/viited/DP-21-030

Additional information: Tartu Deputy Mayor Elo Kiivet, tel: 5656 9674.

Lilian Lukka

avalike suhete osakond

Tel: 736 1212
Mob: 516 4592

Last changed 29.11.2024