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The largest concrete skatepark in the Baltics is opening in Tartu, Estonia

Tartu City Government Press Release

Skeitpargi nautijad Photo: Aive Urberg

/ On Friday, 23 August at 15:00, the largest concrete skatepark in the Baltic States will open in the Tähtvere Leisure Park. It is a symbolic opening for Simple Session, the biggest European extreme sports competition, which has its origins in Tartu and which this year will once again bring together friends of extreme sports in Tartu. This year’s Simpel Session will feature a number of skateboarders who competed in the Paris Olympics. After the opening of the skatepark, the competition day will continue in the skatepark at 16.15.

One-hundred per cent of the funding for the new and impressive sports facility came from the Tartu City budget. The total cost of the skatepark area was EUR 1.3 million, with the concrete section of the skatepark accounting for EUR 920,000.

The landscape architecture project for the entire site was prepared by Lars Laj Eesti OÜ, the design of the skatepark and the pump track was drawn by SIA ‘City Playgrounds’. The constructive project for the skatepark was designed by Projekt O2 OÜ. Lars Laj Eesti OÜ was the main contractor for the construction works, Pärn Projekt OÜ provided owner supervision, and the performers of the concrete works were concrete works consultant and concrete supplier Betoonimeister AS and concrete works performer SIA ‘City Playgrounds’.

The young people of Tartu had been waiting for a new skate park for a long time, as the previous one had become obsolete and it was no longer even possible to train on it, let alone organise competitions.

According to Liidia Maier, CEO of the non-profit association Eesti Rulatajate Liit, thanks to the new skate park, Tartu is emerging as an important centre for alternative sports, offering year-round opportunities for skateboarding and other extreme sports such as BMX freestyle, freestyle scootering, and freestyle skating. ‘In cooperation with the City of Tartu, amateurs, and a construction company specialising in the construction of high-quality skate parks, the new outdoor skatepark will create the conditions necessary for organising international competitions. The new concrete skatepark is one of the most outstanding and unique skateparks in the Baltics and its level can be compared to the best skateparks in the world. The Tähtvere Skatepark will give Tartu’s public space a whole new meaning for extreme sports enthusiasts,’ added Maier.

The City of Tartu contributes more and more each year to the construction and renovation of sports facilities, and it is one of Tartu’s priorities to contribute to the development of physical activity as a hobby.

Last changed 21.08.2024