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City finds two new catering establishments for the banks of the Emajõgi River via competitive tender

Tartu City Government Press Release


/ By next summer, two new food outlets will have been built next to the Emajõgi River, in the city centre of Tartu: Pure restoranid OÜ will operate in the green area next to the market hall, and Hauka Kohvik OÜ will operate on the extension of Raatuse Street.

‘The promenade along the Emajõgi River has become increasingly popular with both residents of Tartu and tourists visiting Tartu, with the catering establishments built along the river having undoubtedly contributed to this,’ said Raimond Tamm, Deputy Mayor of Tartu. ‘It is a pleasure to note that the opportunity to operate on the extension of Raatuse Street also attracted the interest of entrepreneurs, because at the moment we are in the process of completing the construction of a new promenade on the left bank of the Emajõgi River, and we also wish to continue enlivening this area.’

With the competitive tender, the City of Tartu was looking for catering establishments to build new food outlets along the Emajõgi River by the summer of 2024. Three locations were proposed: the area next to the market hall (Vabaduse pst 1c), in Vabaduse park, next to the Vabaduse Bridge (Vabaduse pst 5), and on the left bank of the river on the extension of Raatuse Street (Raatuse street 2). Two tenders were submitted for the land located on the Raatuse 2 registered immovable as well as on the Vabaduse pst 1c registered immovable, and no bids were received for the Vabaduse pst 5 registered immovable.

The competitive tender included an evaluation of the architectural solution, the business concept, as well as the amount of rent being offered. The assessment committee selected Hauka Kohvik OÜ (Raatuse 2) and Pure restaurants OÜ (Vabaduse pst 1c) as the winners from among the submitted tenders.

The assessment committee found the concept presented by Hauka Kohvik OÜ to be considered interesting and well thought out. It stands out from the currently existing cafés and brings more active and sportier activities to Ülejõe Park. The menu, which was typical of street food, was considered to be well suited for students whose paths of movement and dormitories will be located near the café. The construction solution for the café is youth-friendly and inviting, reminiscent of a tribune at a sports stadium, which in turn connects with the promenade to be built on the left bank of the Emajõgi River. In addition to the seating area, there are plans to create additional sporting and leisure activities by the café.

The members of the assessment committee also rated the concept of Pure restaurants OÜ, which was recognised as the winner of the competitive tender for Vabaduse pst 1c, as being very strong. The proposed menu was considered unique and rich, plus points were also earned by the fact that good cooperation with the nearby market creates an opportunity to offer foods made from fresh domestic ingredients. The structural solution for the building forms an architecturally coherent whole with the surroundings.

The city government will conclude a 10-year lease agreement with Hauka Kohvik OÜ and Pure restaurants OÜ, with annual rent being EUR 12,000 per year.
The city will provide the electrical connections necessary for the construction of the catering establishments and connection to the water supply and sewerage system. The catering establishments must construct a building that will enter use and begin providing service no later than 1 June 2024. They must provide catering services for at least four months per year.

Raatuse tänava pikendusele planeerib Hauka Kohvik OÜ sportlikku kohvikut.


Last changed 26.10.2023