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International conference “Semiotics of hybrid natures: Anthropogenic ecosystems, multimodalities, transformed umwelts”

Blob fish snail

/ The conference takes place in campus of Humanities and Arts of the University of Tartu, Jakobi St. 2 from 8th to 10th of November 2018.

Hybrid natures refer to the complex interconnections between different species, technological environments and new media. Such human-impacted nature is ever-increasing in today’s world, and its interdisciplinary exploration is a significant challenge.

The aim of the conference is to exchange knowledge on various manifestations of hybrid natures as well as to elaborate suitable research methods in ecosemiotics and beyond in other environmental humanities.

Tartu 2024 for European Capital of Culture team members Karin Bachmann and Berk Vaher give short presentations on multispecies cities in the social event in Sisevete Saatkond at 19.30-22.00 o’clock on 9th of November.

Invited plenary speakers are Nathalie Blanc (CNRS/Université Paris Diderot, France), Morten Tønnessen (University of Stavanger, Norway), and Kati Lindström (KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden). There are over 30 presenters included in the conference program.

Further information can be found on the conference webpage.

The conference is organized by The Department of Semiotics at the University of Tartu, Estonia and by the Estonian Semiotics Association under the auspices of the International Society of Biosemiotic Studies. The conference is supported by the Estonian Research Council (Grant PUT1363) and The Faculty of Humanities and Arts at the University of Tartu.

Last changed 05.11.2018