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The Year of the Capital of Culture will be Welcomed in Tartu with Special Light Shows

Tartu City Government Press Release

Valgusetendus Tartus Photo: Rein Leib

/ 21 December 2023 /New Year’s Eve in Tartu is of particular importance this year, as Tartu and south Estonia will soon be holders of the title of the European Capital of Culture. The opening of the Capital of Culture will take place in Tartu on 26 January, but celebrations can also be expected as early as New Year’s Eve.

The programme will begin at 23:30, on 31 December, with the first light show Maakene, followed by video greetings from the Mayor of Tartu and the President of the Republic of Estonia. The New Year will be welcomed with a light and laser show, and music. At 00.30, Kuukene will be performed, and at 1.00, Maakene, which was performed before midnight, will be repeated. Performances will also be repeated on 1 January, from 18.00–19.30.

For the light shows, a special stage will be set up on Vabaduse Puiestee, in the area between the Department Store and Market Hall. Vabaduse Puiestee will be closed to traffic at 7.00, on 29 December, and will reopen at 21.00, on 2 January.

In the production Kuukene, a person is looking for the path to strength and happiness. Trad.Attack! and Silver Lepaste are the authors of the music for the show. The screenplay was written by Tiina Saarits, Valter Maatee, Argo Valdmaa, and Antti Aalmaa.

Maakene is a story about the delicate and fragile ecosystem of planet Earth, and the importance of protecting it. Can we succeed when it comes to conserving and protecting nature, or are we harming it without even realising it? The authors of the script, based on the work Poiss ja Liblikas, by Tammsaare, are Simo Kruusement, Renee Nõmmik, and Tiina Ollesk. The music for the show was written by Mick Pedaja.

The City of Tartu has been organising New Year’s Eve without fireworks for several years. This summer, the city government established a rule that higher category fireworks may not be used at events organized by the City of Tartu and supported by the city, as they generate loud noise and environmental damage.

Sille Võsaste

avalike suhete osakond

Mob: 5214620

Last changed 15.01.2024