Tartu joins Hydrogen Valley Estonia
Tartu City Government Press Release
/ Deputy Mayor of Tartu Raimond Tamm signed the hydrogen valley consortium agreement at the Estonian Hydrogen Days, in Tartu.
‘The City of Tartu is very pleased to join the consortium, which already has very strong partners, including the University of Tartu. And as our experience so far shows – if the city and the university, in cooperation with companies, manage to do something, positive results can be expected,’ said Deputy Mayor Raimond Tamm. ‘It is our hope that we will have a number of projects that will serve to kick-start Estonia’s hydrogen economy and that we will be able to help make a change in Estonia’s energy economy.’
Increasing attention is being paid to hydrogen fuel in Europe and around the world. In recent years, several hydrogen projects have also been developed in Estonia, with the common goal being to make the living environment cleaner and more sustainable, while competing at the same time with each other for funding and other important resources. The Hydrogen Valley Estonia brings these projects together under one roof, forming the world’s first nationwide hydrogen valley.
Internationally, the term ‘hydrogen valley’ is understood as referring to a city, region or industrial cluster that combines multiple uses of hydrogen into an integrated ecosystem, uses hydrogen on a large scale, and simultaneously develops the economic sustainability of the different links in the value chain. The ambition is to cover the whole hydrogen value chain: production, storage, distribution, and end use.
The steering group of Hydrogen Valley Estonia consists of the non-profit Estonian Association of Hydrogen Technologies, Alexela AS, Eesti Energia AS, Tallinna Sadam AS, the University of Tartu, and the City of Tartu. The activities of Hydrogen Valley Estonia are coordinated by the Estonian Association of Hydrogen Technologies.
Taking place from 25–26 May, in Tartu, the aim of Hydrogen Days is to help kick-start Estonia’s hydrogen economy by bringing together representatives from the public and private sectors, as well as gaining new experiences from countries currently at the forefront of hydrogen technology development. The conference will also raise public awareness regarding the potential of hydrogen technology.
More information: Deputy Mayor Raimond Tamm, 515-4738.
Last changed 25.05.2023