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World Rally Championship Rally Estonia is Tartu’s Deed of the Year

Tartu City Government Press Release

World Rally Championship Rally Estonia is Tartu’s Deed of the Year

/ At the joint competition Tartu Deed of the Year 2020, held between the Tartu City Government and the newspaper Tartu Postimees, residents of Tartu selected the World Rally Championship (WRC) Rally Estonia as the most important deed of the ending year. Rally Estonia was held in Tartu and South Estonia from 4-6 September 2020. At today’s recognition event, held on Tartu Town Hall Square, Tartu Mayor Urmas Klaas and Rannar Raba, Editor-in-Chief of Tartu Postimees, thanked the leaders of Rally Estonia and everyone else who performed noteworthy acts in 2020.

According to Mayor Urmas Klaas, the Rally Estonia team showed not only Estonia, but the entire world, how – with the help of well-thought-out action and world-class communication – it is possible to organize a highly successful large-scale event under corona virus conditions in just two months. ‘The year’s best-organized WRC rally stage raised the visibility of both Tartu and South Estonia around the world, and offered significant relief to the tourism sector in what was a very difficult year. It definitely reflects the high level of the organizers, and the fact that Rally Estonia has been included in next year’s WRC competition calendar is also a great acknowledgement, added Klaas.

Residents of Tartu also considered the following deeds to be the most important in 2020:
•    Renovation of the Annelinn Upper Secondary School
•    Car-Free Avenue
•    Bolt scooter rental
•    Welfare Masters begin assisting the elderly
•    The return of biodiversity to City Centre parks
•    Performances with audio descriptions and subtitles in the Theatre Vanemuine
•    Fairy tale exhibition Once Upon a Time at the Estonian National Museum
•    University of Tartu Delta Centre academic and research building
•    Skating rink on the Town Hall Square
•    New Lodjakoda barge workshop complex

Tartu’s Deed of the Year is being selected for the 23rd time. Last year, the opening of Tartu Smart Bike Share was awarded the title of Tartu’s Deed of the Year.

Lilian Lukka

avalike suhete osakond

Tel: 736 1212
Mob: 516 4592

Last changed 29.12.2020