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Car-Free Avenue to open on Tartu City Day

Tartu City Government Press Release

Car-Free Avenue cultural programme Photo: Ketlin Lääts

/ Car-Free Avenue will open this year on Tartu City Day, 29 June, with a gala concert that is highly anticipated by the residents of Tartu. The Avenue’s cultural programme features performers for all ages and tastes.

‘The cultural programme differs quite a bit from week to week, but continues with a steady rhythm – major concerts, movement days, family days, and so on – from Thursday through Saturday. Thank you to all of our cooperation partners and city residents who provided input while the programme was being prepared. We’re not going to give away everything just yet, and we’re also leaving room for surprises,’ said Sten Svetlyakov, Head of the Culture Department.

Thursdays are the time for big concerts. Reket will be performing on the first Thursday in July, with Ivo Linna & Supernova performing during the second week. A big opening ceremony will take place during Rally Estonia week, and July will close with a concert featuring Bedwetters. In August, during the last week of Car-Free Avenue, it will be time to head to the Daniel Levi Band’s concert.

Fridays will be marked by the Year of Movement. In themed afternoons, you can take part in joint running and Nordic walking training sessions, and para-sport events. On movement days you can dance, ride horses and try fencing, sword fighting, judo, karate, and even e-sports. The evenings will culminate with dancing to live music provided by Estraadiraadio, Julio Romero y su Ritmo Latino, and the folklore club Maatasa, among others.

Saturdays are family days. On 1 July, museums will be offering a range of activities. There will also be a joint viewing of the Youth Song and Dance Festival on 1 and 2 July. The family days programme will include activities for babies, music lessons for children, a chance to discover the world of technology and science, and singing with Gerli Padar-Parmas. Late evenings will be filled with a summer film programme at the Electric Theatre’s outdoor cinema.

Throughout July, the Tartu Youth Work Centre will be running a separate youth area on Car-Free Avenue, with activities from Monday through Sunday, on topics ranging from nature and culture to entrepreneurship.

Car-Free Avenue will be closed by the Tartu Food and Wine Festival on 4–6 August.

The cultural programme for Car-Free Avenue will be unveiled in June.

A carousel, climbers, sprinklers and other attractions will be coming to the site. Street furniture from previous years will also be reused. A stage will be built on the hillside of the park on the city centre side and will remain there for the year of the Capital of Culture.

When organizing the Car-Free Avenue, the City of Tartu and Tartu 2024’s Guide to Organising Environmentally Friendly Events will be implemented, to reduce the environmental impact of the event. Within the area deposit cups and dishes are used, renewable energy is consumed, free drinking water is offered, waste is sorted and visitors are encouraged to choose environmentally friendly modes of travel.

Car-Free Avenue is being organised by the City of Tartu, the Tartu 2024 Foundation, the Tiigi Society House, Tartu Turg, Tartu Youth Work Centre, and many other good partners.

For further information, please contact Sten Svetljakov, Head of the Department of Culture, Tel: 554-9393.

Sille Võsaste

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Mob: 5214620

Last changed 29.05.2023