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Tartu celebrates World Bicycle Day with an educational poster campaign

Tartu City Government Press Release


2 June / World Bicycle Day on June 3rd aims to celebrate the uniqueness, longevity and versatility of the bicycle which people have been using for more than two centuries. In recognition, Tartu City will install a public poster exhibition on Poe Street which will introduce the new Cycling Strategy of Tartu, World Bicycle Day, the international HEAT project and much more.

The United Nations declared 3rd of June as World Bicycle Day already in 2018 to draw attention to cycling as a green and healthy means of mobility, promoting of which is important not only for public health but for saving the environment. Tartu City invites people to celebrate by riding either their personal or Tartu bike sharing bicycles.

The international HEAT project focuses on improving the mobility conditions of pedestrians and cyclists through effective strategic planning processes. In Tartu, the main goal of the project was compiling the new cycling lane scheme. To this end, an idea gathering round was organized in the spring of 2019 to get input from pedestrians and cyclists about the current light traffic network and to identify spots that need attention. The results of the idea gathering fed into the scheme and its results are also introduced on one of the posters on Poe St.

The cycling masterplan prioritizes extending the cycling lane network to neighboring parishes with the goal of reducing car use in urban areas. The cycling scheme is a part of the new city masterplan.

The posters on Poe St can be seen at www.tartu.ee/heat-projekt

HEAT project is funded by the Interreg Central Baltic program.

Last changed 04.09.2020